Residential solar

Light up your home with green energy and save money on electricity bills

Looking for ways to save money on energy bills while also enhancing the environment’s purity? Then, there is no better way than to power your home with green energy. Solar energy is the most precious gift to mankind that is easily available and lasts as long as human existence is on earth. Solar energy is the ultimate power source for all mankind’s electricity needs.

We at Ultima Energy have been offering solar installation services and specialise in residential solar systems. We are well known for quality services at reasonable prices. Our entire team of Installers, sales and administration staff are fully trained and qualified to provide you with unrivalled customer service and ensure an exceptional end result. If you ever find yourself in need of a company that installs residential solar panel systems, you can count on us. To find out more about our service, please keep scrolling down.

The significance of solar energy, as well as recent developments in Australia

Australia is a leading country across the globe when it comes to using solar energy. There is tremendous development regarding solar usage that has happened in Australia in the last couple of years. The number of people that show an interest in installing residential solar power systems has increased. According to recent estimates, solar panels are now installed on nearly 30% of Australian homes, which is equivalent to 3 million home roofs. Because of the popularity and benefits of solar power, the number of people that show an interest in installing solar panels is rapidly increasing. Solar energy is beneficial for both mankind and the environment. “Going solar is the best way to minimise your monthly energy bills and maximise the environment’s purity”. Solar power is the only viable economic and technological solution to future electricity needs. Solar has the potential to meet all of mankind’s electricity needs at no cost.

What are the advantages of installing residential solar systems?

Solar energy is the best alternative to traditional electricity. Electricity has become an essential thing for human beings.The following are the prime reasons why people are going crazy about solar energy:

Saving money

Due to increased electricity costs, using electricity has become a gigantic burden, but fortunately, solar energy is more likely to replace power from the grid and allow us to enjoy the energy at a much lower cost. Monthly energy bills are the most common complaint among almost all households. We can checkmate the power grid with the help of solar energy. Money saved on monthly energy bills can be used for home improvements or to purchase the most needed home appliances.

Enhance home’s values

At the moment, the houses that were installed with residential solar systems in Melbourne have great value. If you intend to sell your house, installing a residential solar system can be the most profitable investment ever. As buyers show an interest in purchasing the ones that were installed with solar power, you have a great opportunity to make good deals.

High return on investment

All investments take place only if there is a return on investment. Residential solar energy systems, on the other hand, provide a high return on investment. All the money that you have invested will be returned to you within a period of 3 to 5 years.

Government rebates

In order to make Australia a green energy hub, the government provides different types of incentives and rebates to encourage people to switch to solar. If you are eligible for government rebates, installing residential solar systems is no longer expensive. With government support, solar power is now super affordable.

Why should you choose us over others?

In order to be chosen by you, we must be special in all aspects compared to others. We have been offering residential solar installation services successfully for so long. Here we are displaying some of the key features that made us become the top choice for installing residential solar systems.


We have years of experience in installing residential solar systems. All the experience that we have earned will be our biggest asset for delivering you an exceptional installation service.

Affordable price

The residential solar systems cost at Ultima Energy is affordable. Our services fall within your budget.

Positive Reviews

We have received the most positive feedback from all our customers for our successful residential solar installations. You will be our next successful job.

Personal help

In addition to installations, we help you with finding the right solar system size for your home; assist with paperwork to get government rebates; and give you tips to keep your installed solar system in good working condition.

Ultima Energy residential solar system Installation in Melbourne

Ultima Energy is a solar company that specialises in delivering the most affordable residential solar systems by not ignoring the quality of the service. Ultima Energy is backed by professionals that are responsible for world-class residential solar panel installation. If you ever need a top-rated solar company that installs residential solar systems, look no further than us because we could be the best choice for you.

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About Us

Ultima Energy is an Australian based provider of high quality yet affordable solar solutions, specialising in design and installation of grid-connected solar systems for residential and commercial properties.

Clean Energy Council Member

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3 Henderson Cct, Rockbank Vic 3336


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